Туры на Байкал лето 2024
Отдых на озере Байкал летом очень многообразен, он привлекает несколько сотен тысяч туристов со всей России и многих стран мира.
Что может быть лучше?

Ushkany Islands

This is one of the most famous sights of Baikal National Park. Ushkany island - a small cliff overlooking Lake Baikal. The islands are located at 7 km. on the peninsula of St. nose. This is a protected area, so you can get here only received permission of the park administration. The island is the East Siberian huskies farm, campsite, weather station.

The total group of islands in the area - 10 square meters. km. The archipelago consists of four islands: Thin, large, round and long. The word "eye" on drevnesibirskom dialect means hare. So mistakenly pioneers christened white young seals that live here. Ushkany Islands are still the most popular habitat for the famous symbol of Baikal. It is home to about 2000 Baikal seals. To watch them need to be careful - very shy animals. Island, isolated from the mainland, is known for its unique flora. There is growing Dahurian rhododendron, seaweed, bottle Dahurian larch, birch Ushkany special.  

On the Big Island of tourists coming to the tourist centers of Lake Baikal, waiting for an unprecedented spectacle, the island is concentrated huge amount of high anthills.